A young kid – How to manage when both parents are working?
A young kid – How to manage when both parents are working?
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Life is like a journey and the early years of it lay a foundation for a child’s character and mindset. It is essential to make sure this foundation is a strong and powerful one. Parents play the most crucial role in a person’s life. Their absence or divided attention can drastically affect a child’s psychology. However, nowadays, having your own identity, too, is extremely important. Many working parents manage their work-family balance even more beautifully than non-working ones. Thus, there is a lot you can do to tackle these difficulties that come along the way.
When you both are working full-time, one of you can opt for a night shift and the other for a day one. Lots of working parents find this way useful, as one of them always stays with the child. In this way, they don’t have to hire any ‘new’ person to look after their baby. Parents from nuclear families, who surely don’t have their parents or relatives around prefer to do this, as it’s more reliable.
At times, you may feel that you are not getting to spend time with your partner, then one of you can also try to do it part-time.
I know, I know you can not just lift your office and put it anywhere you want. But one of you can try to relocate your job nearby, it’s not easy either though many parents try to have their jobs within walking distance of 3-4kms for their ease. You can apply to the sister branches of the same company or maybe apply to another one according to your convenience and priorities.
After a pandemic, this is the favorite solution for so many parents. In many scenarios, the company permits new parents to resume their work from home for the next some months or even a year. This doesn’t only solve your problem but saves you from a lot of hectic and financial issues.
Try to give your undivided attention to your child on the weekend. Play with them, talk to them, know their needs, what’s upsetting them, what they’re happy about, what they want to do today, etc. You can also sit with them on a Friday night or the day before a week off and ask how they want to spend these holidays with you. If your kid is an infant, then you can just go on a picnic together, or go sit in a peaceful place together or just sit beside them on the bed or couch and feed them. Spending quality time doesn’t necessarily mean having fancy outings but for a change, you definitely can try a lot of things.
You can always talk to your kids before going to bed. If they’re old enough to study, then read them a story, talk about characters, morals, what they think about it, what according to them is right and wrong, and so on. If they’re young, you can just speak and make them talk to you as much as you can or play with them, make them laugh, etc.
You can ask your parents or relatives to help you to manage things for some time. This can be your temporary solution but won’t work for a long time. If you’re looking for a person to look after your kid until you find a better way, then you can choose this.
If you’re in dire need of help may be a temporary one or even for a long time, then you can go for this one. There are many decent and well-maintained childcare houses with caring staff who takes good care of the children. You just have to match your off timing with the pickup timing. This is the least considered way, as people don’t want to leave their young kids with anyone they don’t know, however, if you’re in dire need then this can work for you.
Hey there!
As a working mother of 2 kids under the age of 3 years, I can definitely resonate with you. Choosing career over being a stay at home mom is a tough decision to make and let me tell you a brave one. Juggling between overwhelming demands of your family and work is a constant struggle.
Early years of a child are the building steps towards a stable life thus we need to be extra cautious with the growth and development our child; physically and emotionally.
A few tips from personal diary of my life may help you survive this situation.
1) Find the best childcare option:
You need to leave your children in trusted hands. Try to look for a relative or any other option that doesn’t make you question your choice and you can focus on your job without breaking into a sweat thinking about your kids back home. Your commitment matters a lot. Dispose off all your doubts before you enter your work place. Best option is to have one parent with the child at all times. Manage things out in that way if possible.
2) Do not overburden yourself:
Work only as much as you can to meet the deadlines while giving equal, or even more, attention to your children. Be transparent with your organization about your availability. If you can not work overtime or on weekends, state it out clearly. Do not make arrangements that could be unsustainable later.
Similarly divide the chores with your partner. Managing each and everything on your own may upheaval your otherwise balanced state of mind and that may leave a drastic impact on your children’s psychology.
3) Talk your heart out:
Set a support system at your work place and do not let anxiety get to your head when you can completely banish it from your life by a simple task- discussion. Talk to your manager and colleagues about your responsibilities and what you are accountable for. There is nothing wrong in having a back up in case you have to attend a meeting at your kid’s school, plan a sudden picnic or just feel like crumbling and staying in with your children.
4)Compensate for the lost time:
Do not get discharged as soon as you return to home. Save some energy for your children. Listen to them, make them feel heard and understood. Tell them about your day and make them understand why it is important for you to leave them for some part of the day. Play new games and simply have fun. Do not let your children stay devoid of a fun parent, as they may sense this lacking which could distress them and disorient their general thinking and performance. Also, in future, they might blame you for being neglected when all you were trying was to stay afloat.
Plan things out in advance. Do not get all jittery when the time comes to rejoin your workplace. Parenting is not an option. Both of the parents have to take equal turns at the driver’s seat to make the ride bump-free. Don’t strive to be a perfect parent, there is no competition. All you have to do is to create a balance and not let yours and your children’s life topple over.
Good luck !