Firing an employee is one of the most difficult and stressful situations faced by the employee as well as the company’s boss. Dismissal of the employees depends upon several factors but the concerned HR Manager is given the sole responsibilities to perform the essential termination proceedings. The reasons for termination may be the employee’s incompetency to accomplish the assigned tasks under defined time frame. However, downsizing of the company’s staffs during challenging financial situations may be another leading factor for the dismissals.
No one wants such situations to arise inside the company. Employees tend to pretend that the bosses have an eye of sympathy towards their dedicated performances. They keep on performing their level best but sometime ignoring the essential company’s expectations as well. No matter whatever the situations may be, but when it becomes essential to fire an employee from the organizations, several sets of factors must be considered by the administrators or HR managements.
The given list of point explains top 10 factors which must be considered when firing an employee from the organization:
1. Being sympathetic regarding time allowance to increase the performance: Managers must be sympathetic towards their employees. If the company’s management or the concerned employee’s reporting personnel notices a downfall in the performance, time slot to increase the productivity and performance must be given. Written warning s may also be served to improve within the defined deadline. Entire interactions between the employees and the employers must have a written record with date. Such an act will be supportive to make an employee’s trust towards the company’s management. At the same time, the employee will definitely improve the performance to keep the company’s trust.
2. Never fire an employee without scheduling a face-to-face meeting: Employers must be careful enough to schedule face-to-face meeting along with the employees before taking such strict administrative steps. The conversation done in such a way will allow the employers to understand the concerned employee’s issues as well with complete transparency. Assistance of electronic mediums including e-mails, IMs, SMS, voice and video calls etc must be ignored strictly. Even the issuance of any company’s letter should be done after understanding the employee’s concerns with face-to-face meetings.
3. Never act without warning: Until and unless something most destructive incident happens from the employees end such as damaging the company’s assets or something intolerable, the employers must never take firing like strict administrative step without warning. It is more essential to understand the reason which is causing to get the employee fired from the organization. Still in case of inability to increase the performance, the employees must be given suitable coaching along with the administrator’s assistance. Such managerial acts will definitely result in a positive way.
4. Never start the conversation without a witness: Blames are obvious towards the company’s managements by the negative minded employees. Accordingly, it becomes essential for the employers to keep a witness watching the complete termination based proceedings in the company. Additionally, during a conversation with the employee as well, it would be better to have a witness for maintaining the transparencies.
5. Never make the conversation longer: After getting unsatisfied with the performances and making the employees aware as well, it is not required to extend the conversation loner by making them feel more embarrassed and unfortunate. Even after all the essential warnings, coaching and assistance, if the performance is not enhanced, it is better to boost them up for their future endeavors and give them a termination letter.
6. Don’t let the employees think that the termination decision is temporary: Employees generally don’t believe that they will instantly be fired in the first pace. It is accordingly better for the employers to approach the employees with kindness, respect, concern and care but at the same time, they must be straightforward in taking the decisions concerning to firing an employee in no time.
7. Handover the employee’s due assets along with the pay checks: Firing an employee an employee from the organization is a natural process which happens everywhere. However, it does not mean that the organizations should keep their unpaid salaries, paychecks or other due documents which are along with the company. No any employee will want to reiterate for asking about the due assets after getting terminated. It is therefore be better to get the issues clear during the procedures.
8. Be supportive in taking care of the employee’s dignity: There exist personal assets during the possession areas of the employee who are being fired. To get them collected, the employers must never assign other co-workers and colleagues. It would be better to give him a call for collecting his personal documents after office hours or during the holidays. It would definitely be awesome for maintaining his dignity.
9. Restricting the employee to use the chief information systems: The employees who are going to be terminated must be restricted from accessing the information systems of the company. It would be better for the safety of secret company’s files and assets.
10. Admiration of the past works and achievements: Employees who are going to be terminated must never be treated like a criminal. Instead the employers should admire his past works and outstanding achievements. At the same time, the guilt and carelessness towards the works needs to be explained in a mild way by the employers.
Firing an employee from the organization is obviously the natural process but sometimes it makes the employees cry. No employer wants to fire their hard working and sincere employees and create a hindrance in the natural proceedings. However, if such situations arise, the employers must be ready in considering several sets of factors as explained in the above paragraphs. The acts will be synonymous to the best and inspiring nature of the company’s management proving beneficial and fruitful in the upcoming days. At the same time, it will never hesitate the employee as well as the employers to have a frequent and healthy conversation even in the future.
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